Month: April 2021

Mindset Monday: Awareness, Boyd’s Loop

Monday again, and we have come back around to the first part of our mindset trinity, awareness. This week we are talking about Boyd’s loop or as it is also called, the OODA loop. OODA is just plain fun to say. As humans we go through this process thousands of times a day, from the moment we wake up and make our coffee, to when we lay down at night to go to sleep.

Boyd's Loop

Lt. Colonel John Boyd was an Air Force officer, and fighter pilot with a career that spanned World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. His ideas and tactics also had a great effect on the gulf war in the early 90’s. In the late 1950’s Boyd was known as “forty second Boyd”, and considered the best fighter pilot in the U.S., if not the world. He was called “forty second Boyd because he could beat anyone in simulated air-to-air combat in 40 seconds or less.

Throughout the 1950’s and early 60’s Boyd gave a series of briefings on his observations of dog fights that happened during world war 2. What he found is that fighter pilots that moved through four phases of decision making fastest, where the most successful.

The four phases he looked at where.

  • Observe
  • Orient
  • Decide
  • Act

While we work through this process almost every minute of every day, we want to look at it in the context of a self defense situation. If we have a protector mindset, and are aware of our surroundings and situation then, we are already practicing the first part of Boyd’s loop, Observe.

The second part, orient happens once we see a possible threat. Once we know that we are in a possible defensive situation, Our brains can tell us to do one of two things. The first is run, we orient ourselves away from the problem. The second is that we turn our bodies towards the threat. This is us orienting ourselves, getting ready for the confrontation.

Once we have observed, and oriented ourselves towards the threat, the next part is to decide. in the simplest terms. what do we do? do we find cover, do we give verbal commands, or does the situation call for us to draw our weapon? these and a thousand more are what will go through your mind in a fraction of a second. Your training (hopefully if you are reading this you have some or will get some) will dictate what you decide.

Finally its time to act on your decision. Once you have made your decision you have to commit to what you have chosen to do. In a defensive situation you don’t have the luxury of doing something half way. You don’t want to find yourself frozen and unable to act. In the first mindset class I took, we where told “just do something, even if it ends up being wrong, at least you have started moving”.

Our training should be designed to help us move through this loop as quickly as possible. Unfortunately when we find ourselves in a self defense situation, we are almost always at a disadvantage because the person that is the threat has already moved through their loop and is in the act phase. The good news is that there are things that we can do and train, that will force them to restart their loop and put us back ahead of them. But those are a topic for other posts.

If you want to get into more detail about the Boyd’s Loop (OODA) check out our “Situational awareness, and protector mindset” course. As always make sure to stay up to date with what we are doing by liking our Facebook and instagram.

Setup Saturday: Knives

Knives, carried by men from basically the dawn of time. While todays models vary in shape, size, purpose, and price we can all agree that any man worth his salt is probably carrying one in his pocket right now.

Microtech knife

When I was growing up I didnt know a single person that didnt have one, I got my first pocket knife (a swiss army knife) at age 6 and have carried one ever since. Since most people carry one everyday already how do we pick the best all around knife for handling the majority of tasks that come our way?

From slicing salami to poking someone off of us, what do we look for? My first requirement is a fast opening action, whether that be an out the front microtech, assisted open, or auto deploy such as knives equipped with an emerson wave opener. It has to open effortlessly and with one hand. I prefer the auto deploy models that open as you pull them from the pocket.

Next is blade steel, what is it made from? Now there are whole forums in the knife world on what they are, how they hold an edge, and how easy they are to sharpen. Me? I dont care, its a tool, as long as it comes sharp and has a point im happy.

Lastly, size. How big of a knife you carry is up to you. Certain states have limitations and laws and I encourage you to read up on the laws in your state. Some people like a small blade because they have limited pocket space or they like the light weight benefit. I like bigger knives because they are more capable at multiple tasks.

Crkt knives m21-14dsfg

Personally, I carry a CRKT M21-14DSFG, I got it in the peanut butter tan because it looks hella gucci and was under $100. It has auto deploy, came very sharp, holds a nice edge, has serrations (Id rather have serrations because they add function and cost me nothing), and was affordable. It has a very ridgid secure double lock lockup and is comfortable to hold. It is however thicc as hell and hefty. It wont be the perfect knife for everyone. CRKT makes a billion different models at very nice price points if youre like me and just need a versatile tool.

If, however, you are wearing italian leather and prefer a dash more elegance, a microtech is definitely in your future, the worlds premiere out the front knife and a favorite of John Wick. If you just open boxes and cut rope and banding straps then any walmart special will probably do.

I dont get too wrapped up on pocket knives since picking one is unique to each person, I consider the knife a freebie. Are you carrying one? Happy meal. No? Well you might as well let your wife change that flat tire then.

Woman changes tire

Remember to check out our training courses (there will be new ones added soon), and like our Facebook page and instagram to stay up to date on what’s going on.

Setup Saturday: Flashlights! Light Of My Life

Illumination, flashlights, the light of my life. How do we decide between the VAST array of so called “military grade” “tactical” flashlights and how do we decide which one will work for us? In this instance I know it is going to sound bad but there is only one option for a self defense light, that brand is surefire.

Tactition flashlightIf you are going to trust your life to a light there is no substitute. I carry two flashlights and they each have a purpose. My surefire tactician is a self defense only light and it does not get used to find my car keys. I treat my defensive light like a full magazine, I consider each press of the button a depletion of my lights magazine. The sole purpose of that light is to deploy it in conjunction with a weapon and it must work when I need it.

stiletto flashlightMy second light is a surefire stiletto, this light has a three mode output and is usb rechargable. It is a wonderful choice for those looking for a light to find your keys, walk your dogs, or looking for your dropped phone in the movie theater.

You’re going to say well my (insert brand here) light is just fine, it probably is, for utility tasks. Most companies make great utility lights and as a by product try to take some of the tactical market, because, well, money. Are you looking for a light because you’re a mechanic? Get a usb rechargeable one and be happy.

If you are looking for a true self defense light you can bet your life on? Surefire is the only option. Elitist? Maybe. Don’t wrap up too much on lumen output or price, buy once cry once. Pocket light surefire tactician, pistol light, surefire x300ub, rifle light, surefire m600. They are the most expensive option there is no doubt but the next best light is half the price and less than half as good.

Make sure to watch our training area for new upcoming classes and like our Facebook page to stay up to date.

What Is Your Why: Mindset Monday

WhySO we have gone through some awareness, some confidence, and now it’s time for some purpose. When I say purpose I don’t mean “I am going to go to the store to get some Cheetos”.  I mean what is your “Why”, why do you want to carry a firearm?

When I ask students in my CPL classes, “what is your why”, I normally get one or a combination of a few basic answers. I want to address each one of these 4 basic answers and what I like and dislike about each of them (you will probably see common thread on why I dislike them).

“I want to protect myself/family”. This is a great answer on the surface, and probably the most common. This is what firearms where designed to do. Hammers, hammer nails, screwdrivers, screw in screws, and good guys with guns protect people. The problem with this answer is that most people that give this answer in a CPL class are never going to get anymore training than that class. As instructors we try to prepare our CPL students as best we can to deal with a defensive situation, the fact is that most CPL classes have a limited amount of time and A LOT of material to cover. These classes are meant to give you the absolute basics and fundamentals of shooting, along with the legal basics of carrying a firearm.

“I don’t want to be a victim”. This can have so many different meanings and reasons it would be impossible to go through them all. A firearm is an incredible way to help ensure that you wont fall victim to that asocial violence that we talked about a few weeks ago. That being said there are two main types of people that give this answer. Those that are afraid of becoming a victim, and those that have already been. The first type has the same problems as above, Most people will not complete any more training beyond a basic class because they think that a firearm acts like a magic force field, keeping bad guys away.
The second is a little more complicated. If you are someone that has been victimized in the past, I of course encourage you to learn, train, have confidence, and arm yourself. I would also encourage you make sure that you have sought some counseling as well, before going out there armed (at least with a firearm). Carrying a firearm is a MASSIVE responsibility and should be done devoid of emotion, fear, or ego. Those are things that can lead us to make the wrong decisions at critical moments and get ourselves in serious legal trouble.

“It’s my right”. This is a complicated one for me. On one hand, I obviously believe in the second amendment and agree that everyone has the right to bear arms to protect themselves. On the other, I have a family and I don’t want a bunch of people out on the street carrying that have little or no training on how to properly use their firearm, discriminate targets, or have the mindset to make the critical decision to take a life if necessary. I wrestle with these two opposing views a lot, but what I have come to realize is that a right is a right. I just try to keep in mind that people can become a threat even if they don’t mean to.

“I don’t know”. I love and hate this answer. I love this answer because it is probably the most honest of all of them. When I get this answer I try to help them figure out their “why” throughout the class. the problem comes in where, if you don’t know your “why” then you don’t have a driving force pushing you to learn and train. This can cause you to not have confidence, and hesitate at a critical moment when you shouldn’t have.

I’m sure you can see the pattern in my dislikes, and you will probably see this as a theme throughout all my posts. I am an instructor after all, and fully believe in the value of training. That being said, as much as I would love to meet you, even if you don’t come train with me, find a qualified instructor and get training.remaining

Knowing what your “why” is, is one of the things that can help you to make the hard decisions in a defensive situation. It will also push you to make sure that you have developed the proper skills to achieve your why.

Be Aware, Have Confidence, Know Your Purpose.

Setup Saturday: Get Some Training

need trainingChasing the Gucci unicorn, it can be as addictive as crack and twice as expensive. If you’ve been on Instagram or any gun gurus social media you know exactly what I’m talking about, the latest and greatest that the firearms industry has to offer. Here is the deal, most (not all) of those people get that gear sent to them for free to show to you so you will rush out and buy it, it is marketing at its core. In reality people have budgets, mortgages, kids, and car payments so how do we decipher what is a must have versus what am I buying because it looks good on the gram.

Unfortunately, the answer is as varied as each person. My mentor has a saying when asked about a specific piece of gear, “what’s your mission?” Is your mission to carry a gun to protect yourself? Are you in law enforcement looking to setup your new Sam Brown belt? Each person is operating in their own mission and each person has an operational budget for gear. If you are a CEO your operational budget is much greater than mine but is that new wiz bang 6000 necessary for what you do? Or just a way to flex on the poors?

In the past two weeks we have covered carry gun selection as well as belts and holsters. That will get you out in the world as an armed citizen. Extra credit if you booked a class to learn how to fight with that weapon. But what comes next? I see too many people looking for the NEXT gun or the NEXT mod they can have done. There is nothing wrong with that if it is being done with purpose and not just because you liked how your salesman’s gun looked.

gucci glockI’ve been behind that counter, trust me, most of the time we are crying inside when you start talking about stipple patterns, lightening cuts, triggers, and dots. Learn to shoot what you have now, the way it is right now. I understand that we all want nice things, we work hard to buy things that will last and that will work. In today’s disposable world it can sometimes be hard to come by. I also understand that I will recommend things that are considered “Gucci” just ask my friends. There is, however, a difference between buying a quality flashlight once vs adding a red dot to your gun without having first mastered the irons.

I’ve done a full Gucci Glock from the ground up, rmr, comp, trigger, all of it. Do I still have it? Nope. What do I run now? A stock gen 3 Glock 19. What I found is all that fancy techno wizardry added up to me being just as fast as irons, at traditional gun fight distances. Is there a place and purpose? Absolutely, it just wasn’t for what I do.

Stop idolizing the Instagram warriors, the YouTube gunslingers, and the new new in the industry. There is only one mod you can buy that will make you better, faster, and more accurate and that is training, go get some and I promise, the world of gear will become more clear.

Friday Makeup, Tying Em All Together: Finding a firearms Instructor.

tying em togetherSO, it’s Friday and I haven’t posted anything this week for mindset Monday or Tuesday training tip. Well I apologize for that but I have doing some training myself (more on that later so keep reading). I am going to use today to tie em all together! For mindset Monday it was time to talk about confidence in your mindset, one of the ways you get confidence in your mindset is to have confidence in your training (see it all comes together this week).

Having confidence in your training starts with having confidence in your instructor. When I first started training I got really lucky that I found an instructor in my friend Jay at “Michigan Combat Dynamix” that not only knows how to shoot but knows how to be an instructor. It is because of him and the passion for teaching and building on performance that he has,  that made me want to become an instructor. Like I said, I got lucky. there are a lot of firearms instructors out there. Many are like Jay and are in it because they enjoy teaching, but there are many that are just in it for the money. They are trying to capitalize on the massive influx of new gun owners that are out there right now, and they are the ones that we want to try to avoid. I like to think that I am one of the former type, but I will be the first to admit that I may not be the right instructor for everyone. So how do you tell the difference?

The first thing that most people will look for is reviews of the instructor, and those can be helpful but, should never be taken by themselves. How many times have you gone to a restaurant that had good reviews and not been impressed? Reviews can be old, or fake, take them with a grain of salt. I say call them and get answers for yourself.

Safety is most importantLets talk about what I think the first and most important thing to look at when finding a firearms instructor, safety. When looking at an instructor one of the first things to look for is have there been any accidents in their classes? If you can’t find anything online about anything call and ask them. If they are a good instructor they should be able to say no OR if there has been, they should be able to tell you that why it happened, how any damage or injury was mitigated, and what they have done since to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. Next ask them what their safety S.O.P (Standard Operating Procedure) is. They should be able to tell you about what their process is if there is an accident or injury. They should be able to tell you about any medical training that they have gone through. Finely they should tell you about the medical and first aid gear that they have with them on the range at all times. Things to look for are tourniquets, chest seals, quick clot gauze, or at the very least kerlex rolled gauze, compression bandages and/or coflex dressing, as well as basic first aid things like band-aids etc.

Medical IFAKAfter safety, I think that the next important thing to look at is the type of training they do.  Are they an instructor that says that you going to burn through 1000 rounds of ammo in a one day class? Or on the reverse, are they telling you that you are going to learn how be a SWAT team member with 50 rounds. The fact right now is that ammo is at a premium so most of us (myself included)  are going to have a hard time parting with any of our ammo, and I think that if they tell you need that many rounds for a one day class then there is a good chance that you are going to be throwing rounds downrange with little actual training value. That being said you can only learn so much from non live fire training. As with anything and even more important in shooting, you HAVE to actually shoot your firearm so that you can verify and improve on the non live fire stuff. Ask them about the course of fire for the class, what types of drills they are going to be doing, and how each drill correlates to the type of class that you want to take. A good instructor should be able to tell you how every round you fire will help you improve.

The last thing is completely subjective and probably the least important of them all. If you have called or emailed and talked to them, do they seem like someone that you WANT to learn from? Personality conflicts do happen, and while I am a firm believer that as long as the first two things we covered are in place then there is a very good chance that you can learn SOMETHING from them. Even if it is one small thing that helps you improve and the rest is how not to do something. If you don’t get a good vibe after talking to them, it’s probably better to not take their class. You will be uncomfortable and it will cause you to not enjoy what you are learning. In the end we are training not only to be better protectors, but hopefully because we enjoy the sport of shooting.

countering the mass shooterNow to why this week has been a little different. This week I did some training through USCCA to be able to teach their “Countering The Mass Shoot Threat” course. With everything going on I felt that this was an important course that I was not able to offer and now I can. This class will go over the data on mass shootings from 1998-2016 (those are all the years that we currently have all the data for)  with a focus on what if anything that has/is being proposed would have stopped them as well as how you, your company, or house of worship can develop a plan to mitigate your risk and any damage done if you find yourself in one of these unfortunate situations. Keep an eye out in the training section of this site and like our Facebook page to find out the new class dates. Also if your company or house of worship doesn’t currently have or has not updated their plans, Please get hold of us to see how we can help.

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